Have You Discovered This Italian Masterpiece?

Have You Discovered This Italian Masterpiece?

This month we focus on The Betrothed, an Italian literary masterpiece Italians revere, but most Americans have never heard of.

The Betrothed, by Alessandro Manzoni, cover image

Why read this nearly two centuries-old novel about a young couple, priest, and a local strongman set in 1628 in Italy’s Lake Como region?

  • The Betrothed (I promessi sposi) offers a deep, yet entertaining, portrayal of life in the Lombardy region in the 1600s.
  • In Italy, this historical novel is considered the nation’s literary masterpiece, penned by Alessandro Manzoni, famed as a poet and philosopher, as well as a novelist.
  • Thanks to a new English translation, the first in 50 years, the novel is now a much smoother read for English readers.

What’s the story?

  • Lucia and Renzo, an endearing peasant couple anticipate their wedding the following day. Disaster strikes when a local baron who wants Lucia for himself uses his power to prevent their marriage.
  • The remainder of the novel (a years-long saga!) reveals the extensive fallout of that single evil deed, as well as the beneficial repercussions of some characters’ positive choices.

Although The Betrothed has high as well as low moments, the author spares no effort to detail the suffering and powerlessness of innocent, low-born people. He raises questions:

  • How can God, the Church, and the justice system allow this?
  • How do people cope with all these crises? 
  • Heavy-handed military domination of their region (by Spain), followed by German invasion
  • Corrupt justice system allowing virtual free reign of petty strongmen and criminal gangs
  • Church officials (with notable exceptions) who often turned a blind eye to injustice and oppression of common people
  • Famine
  • Plague (perhaps brought by soldiers) in Milan and surrounding areas in 1630


This novel has many characters, but it follows the lives of several key individuals, revealing how each one responds to these hardships:

  • Renzo – a hard-working young man who has saved his earnings in preparation for marriage to Lucia; he endures many undeserved perils  
  • Lucia – Renzo’s fiancée, a simple, pious peasant whose circumstances force her to choose between terrible options
  • Don Rodrigo – main villain, a local baron/strongman who wants Lucia for himself and will stop at nothing to have her
  • Don Abbondio – the parish priest who cowers under threats from henchmen of Don Rodrigo; he refuses to marry Renzo and Lucia
  • Padre Cristoforo – Capuchin friar rescued from a death sentence; he responds by showing mercy to peasants
  • Federico Borromeo, Archbishop of Milan – wise, compassionate cardinal
  • Agnese – Lucia’s well-meaning mother, she schemes to trick the priest into marrying Lucia to Renzo
  • The Unnamed – greatest robber baron, his change of heart transforms the lives of many
  • The Nun of Monza – an unfortunate woman sentenced by her family to life in a convent, she plays a key role in the story


The plot is fascinating, with many entertaining twists, and it plunges the reader into the culture and events of the era.


This novel is very long, and modern readers may wish to skim through the many pages of historical background.

Content review:

This novel contains violence and suggestions but no explicit descriptions of physical intimacy.

I recommend this novel to intellectually curious readers ready for an immersion into the culture of 17th-century Lombardy, especially if they plan to travel to the regions near Lake Como and Milan.

Reader, what’s your favorite novel set in Italy?

Great Historical Novels of the American West

Great Historical Novels of the American West

As we in the northern hemisphere hope for signs of new life and spring, I’ve discovered a new (to me) author—Sandra Dallas, who has written more than a dozen historical novels set in the American West, focused on common people often ignored by historians. I’ll share my reflections on two of her novels:

Little Souls, by Sandra Dallas, cover image

Little Souls—latest novel of Sandra Dallas, set in Denver around 1918.

Why does the world need another novel about the 1918 Influenza Epidemic?

Author Sandra Dallas creates a multifaceted plot. The epidemic is only one of several intriguing elements.

Others include:

  • The drama and impact of the U.S. entry into World War I
  • Ethical challenges young men face in deciding whether to enlist
  • Life in Denver in this era, particularly for young single women
  • Denver’s underworld of bootlegging, gambling, kidnapping, and violence directed toward children

Characters: range from dregs of society to saintly

  • Lutie (Lucretia) Hite – protagonist, she’s an aspiring artist who designs ads for women’s clothing store
  • Peter Howell – Lutie’s fiancé, a seminary student from an affluent family
  • Anne Howell – Peter’s mother, a wealthy woman with a surprising past
  • Helen Hite – Lutie’s sister, a nurse who faces daily the pandemic’s horrors
  • Gil Rushton – Helen’s fiancé, a young physician
  • Dorothy – young girl orphaned by the pandemic, she faces multiple difficulties no child should encounter
  • Ronald Streeter – Dorothy’s father, involved in nefarious crime network
  • Gus Vincent – criminal associate of Mr. Streeter
  • Beulah Vincent – wife of Gus, she’s Ronald Streeter’s sister, also involved in criminal activities


  • Sympathetic, unique characters
  • Setting details that draw in readers
  • Well-written, engaging plot


The conclusion may wrap up the story a bit too neatly. (If you read this novel, let me know what you think!)

Content review:

This novel includes references to violent crime and sexual violence.

I recommend Little Souls

to readers who enjoy plunging into a new era and place, and who can tolerate the wounding of sympathetic characters.

The Last Midwife, by Sandra Dallas, cover image

The Last Midwife, set in 1880 in rural Colorado.

Could a woman who has devoted her life to birthing babies murder an infant?

What would motivate her to commit such a crime?

In 1880, Gracy Brookens, the trusted longtime midwife of her Colorado mining town, faces a charge of murdering a struggling newborn after the town’s most prominent citizen calls her to save the baby.


The Last Midwife tells Gracy’s story, which turns out to be a tangled web involving many people, both in and beyond the town. The mine’s owner, the sheriff, Gracy’s husband and son, and the other characters—each has secrets that, if revealed, would taint his or her reputation.

From the outset, the author portrays Gracy in a sympathetic light:

  • She’s a woman willing to endure exhaustion and low pay for the joy of birthing babies
  • She possesses a backwoods wisdom gained from her mentor and life experience instead of books
  • She’s aware of her own shortcomings as well as those of others, and she’s willing to forgive.

Readers’ concern for Gracy will keep them hooked, even as they fear for her fate.


  • Characters are distinct and strong
  • Setting is a character of its own
  • Plot makes the story difficult to put down


I challenge readers to point out a weakness; I couldn’t pinpoint any.

Content review:

This novel shows the brutality and immorality of frontier life.

I recommend The Last Midwife

to readers who enjoy a novel set deep within frontier culture, with flawed but endearing characters, and twists that will make your mind spin.  

Reader, do you have a favorite novel of the American West?

A Surprising Journey to Oregon’s Past

A Surprising Journey to Oregon’s Past

Can you imagine a captivating novel that involves pioneers migrating to the Oregon territory, Native Americans, and freed Blacks, with friendships bridging all three groups? Rarely does a novel touch on so many topics and weave them in such an interesting way as author Jane Kirkpatrick does in A Light in the Wilderness.

A Light in the Wilderness, by Jane Kirkpatrick, cover image

Letitia Carson (Tish), a little-known woman who has toiled for decades as a slave, receives her freedom after Mr. Bowman, her enslaver, dies. In spite of her new status and papers, she seeks a freer life than she can find in Missouri.

Tish learns about the Oregon Territory’s brutal exclusion and lash laws intended to keep Blacks out, but she migrates there after Davey Carson, her common-law husband and an Irish immigrant, promises he will protect her, and that the laws will change.

The author’s rich story fills in gaps between facts gleaned from historical and genealogical records. She brings readers along on Letitia’s action-packed inner and outward journeys, facing bigotry and challenges from nature and humans, as well as finding unexpected joys and friendships.

Major Characters:

Letitia Carson – the protagonist, she’s an intelligent and persistent formerly enslaved young Black woman whose life choices are still quite limited. She took admirable risks.

Davey Carson – a crusty Irish immigrant who befriends Letitia and eventually proposes marriage. Due to existing laws, they can’t legally marry. His heroic moments counterbalance his failings.

Nancy Hawkins – Letitia’s closest friend during the Oregon Trail migration. Like Letitia, she endures suffering during the migration.

The Woman, Betsy – a Native American of the Kalapuya people in the Oregon Territory, she befriended Letitia.

Greenberry Smith – a despicable neighborof the Carsons when they reached Oregon, he had been a slave patroller before migrating. He didn’t leave his views behind.

Sarah Bowman – Letitia’s neighbor in Oregon, she struggles to treat her former slave as an equal.


A Light in the Wilderness has an entertaining plot with memorable characters and authentic setting details; it’s also very informative about the era.


The ending left me curious about how the remainder of Letitia’s life played out.  I’d like to read that in the form of a story, too.

Content review:

This novel contains a few descriptions of physical intimacy and violence.

I recommend A Light in the Wilderness to readers who enjoy an inspirational story of adventure with complex characters and deep roots in its historical background.

Reader, what novels of America’s past have inspired you?

Seen Through a Servant’s Eyes

Seen Through a Servant’s Eyes

Happy New Year!

Why would Emily Dickinson entrust her literary legacy to her poorly-educated Irish maid, Margaret Maher?

This month we discuss Emily’s House, a recent novel about Margaret Maher, an Irish maid in the Dickinson home, and her relationship with Emily.

Margaret saved Emily’s writings for posterity.

Without Margaret’s  wisdom, Dickinson’s poetry would have turned to ashes in the kitchen fire at the Dickinson home.

Why should you read this novel instead of a biography of Emily Dickinson or her maid, Margaret Maher?

  • In Emily’s House, readers see through Margaret’s eyes the ethnic prejudice she faces as well as how her relationship with Emily and the Dickinson family develops.
  • The author, Amy Belding Brown, relies on the reminiscences of Emily’s niece, Martha Dickinson Bianchi. These documents show the close relationship Emily has with her sister-in-law, Sue. Most older biographers based their books on the better-known but less accurate papers of Mabel Loomis Todd, Emily’s brother’s mistress.

Margaret, the outspoken, temperamental young Irish maid, and Emily Dickinson, the blueblood, shrinking violet seem unlikely friends, but Emily’s House reveals not only their vastly different backgrounds and perspectives on life, but also how their friendship transcended these differences.

This novel is set in two time periods:

  • 1869 (when Margaret started working as a maid at the Homestead, the Dickinson home in Amherst,)
  • 1916 (when the property is sold)

Emily’s father coerces Margaret into working as a maid at the Dickinson home. The family treats her as inferior because of her Irish heritage. Over the years, she earns Emily’s trust, ultimately becoming a friend as well as a servant to Emily. Margaret makes a promise to Emily that will break her heart to keep.

Major Characters:

Margaret Maher– the protagonist, a temperamental Irish maid who serves the Dickinson family

Emily – the shrinking violet poet coddled by her father

Vinnie – Emily’s devoted younger sister

Patrick – Margaret’s love interest, a wanderer and ardent Irish patriot

Sue Dickinson – wife of Emily’s brother, Austin, and close friend of Emily

Mattie D (Madame Bianchi) – Sue’s daughter, Emily’s beloved niece

Mabel Loomis Todd – villain of this story, the mistress of Emily’s brother, Austin

My sympathy for Margaret develops as the Dickinson family exploits and discriminates against her.

Patrick, on the other hand, may have had a good heart, but his character lacked adequate honesty and loyalty to qualify as an appropriate match for Margaret.

Emily may have been a literary genius, but her character didn’t have the chance to develop fully because her family, especially her father, coddled and over-protected her.


Margaret’s position as the protagonist enables readers to see Emily’s world through the eyes of a poor Irish immigrant, as well as giving a sense of the privileged lives of the Dickinson family.


The author’s portrayal of Emily’s sister, Vinnie, struck me as a bit unrealistic, with little of the jealousy and conflict common between sisters.

Content review:

Despite their Puritan heritage, Emily and her family members exhibit moral failings, including ethnic prejudice and sexual immorality. These vices appear in Emily’s House, making the novel unsuitable for some readers.

I recommend Emily’s House to readers who enjoy a good story with a few surprising plot twists, enriched both by its portrayal of Margaret’s experience as an Irish immigrant (which gave me a better understanding of what some of my ancestors faced) and by its insights into Emily and the Dickinson family.

Reader, can you recommend a favorite novel about immigrants?

Season’s Greetings–A Story of Hope after Tragedy

Season’s Greetings–A Story of Hope after Tragedy

I hope you’ll find good cheer in this season! As my contribution, I’m reviewing a recent novel, The Last Bookshop in London, an inspiring story of the power of books, courage, friendship, and hope as London endures the Blitz during World War II.

The Last Bookshop in London, by Madeline Martin, cover image

London, 1939. Grace, a young woman from a small town in Norfolk, arrives in the big city, desperate for a job. She lands a temporary position at a run-down bookstore, but she’s not a reader and has little interest in books. Then the Blitz, Germany’s effort to bomb England into submission, begins. Britons’ responses often put them in conflict with each other, even as people needed to unite to survive this dire threat to their nation’s existence.

How much of this story is based on facts vs. fiction?

Author Madeline Martin answers this question in a blog post:

“Aside from the characters and Primrose Hill Books itself, everything is as true to history as was possible for me to make it. Even the location of the bombings and when they occurred (with one exception) are exactly how they were recorded in history.” 

How did the author come to understand her characters’ world?

She used the following sources:

  • Books
  • Personal eyewitness accounts
  • Photos taken before, during, and after the war
  • Videos and sound bites

Characters: (a few of the many)

  • Grace, the protagonist – young and naïve at the start, the story’s events force her to make choices that help her mature
  • Mr. Evans – owner of Primrose Hill Books, his depression adds to Grace’s doubts about working at the bookstore
  • Mrs. WeatherfordGrace’s host in London, a support to Grace. In the face of tragedy, she must find new strength and purpose.
  • George AndersonGrace’s love interest, he’s a lover of books who joins up to fight the Germans.
  • Mr. Stokes – an Air Raid Precautions warden partnered with Grace to monitor blackout compliance during the Blitz. His attitude and beliefs challenge Grace.
  • Jimmyorphan who hesitates to trust anyone after his parents are killed in the Blitz.

Strengths: The well-crafted plot, telling details, and sympathetic characters combine to create a page-turner that’s both entertaining and educational.

Weakness: Happy endings for the surviving characters leave readers on a positive note, but they seemed a bit unrealistic after the tragedies of World War II and the Blitz.

Content review: Descriptions of death and injuries, but no profanity or physical intimacy.

I recommend The Last Bookshop in London. This novel’s time setting could have made it depressing. Instead, Madeline Martin skillfully weaves a plot that doesn’t avoid the terror and death of this harrowing time, but ends in personal transformation and national unity.

Reader, what novels inspire you?

When You Think of Scotland…

When You Think of Scotland…

When you hear the word Scotland, what comes to mind?

Kilts, bagpipes, Braveheart, Robert the Bruce, William Wallace, or Bonnie Prince Charlie?

This month, we go deeper, featuring two novels with roots in Scotland:

  1. My review of Turn of the Tide, an award-winning novel by Margaret Skea
  2. A new novel, The Apostates, by V.E.H. Masters, third in the Seton trilogy

My Review:

Turn of the Tide focuses on one of Scotland’s historic feuds, the violent conflicts in the Ayrshire region between the Cunninghame and Montgomerie clans. The author follows the journey of Munro, a minor estate-owner with ties to the Cunninghame clan, as he negotiates relationships between the two clans during the 16th century.

Although the vividly-portrayed setting stands as a major character, Munro’s maturing as a character plays the key role in the novel. Throughout the story, events draw him toward one clan and then the other. The stakes increase with each choice, and the suspense builds to a riveting climax.

Characters: (just a few of the many)

  • Munro – the protagonist, he’s torn between his ties to the Cunninghame clan, his wife’s judgments, and his own instincts
  • Kate – Munro’s wife, a woman with good instincts
  • Archie – Munro’s younger brother, he struggles to find his place in life
  • Sybilla Boyd – friend to Munro’s family
  • King James VI of Scotland – young king who tries to reconcile feuding clans and use them to his advantage
  • Earl of Glencairn – head of Cunninghame clan, he tries to raise his clan’s standing with the king
  • William, Master of Glencairn – his position as the Earl’s eldest son and heir allows him to get away with poor judgment and behavior
  • Hugh, Master of Braidstane – son of a Montgomerie estate-owner
  • Alexander Montgomerie – a poet and courtier to King James VI, he helps Hugh and the Montgomerie clan ascend in the king’s esteem


The author’s broad, descriptive sweep covers much territory: family backgrounds and conflicts, locations, festivities, and customs. Her detailed portrait immerses readers in this era. Strong, distinctive characters drive the surprise-filled plot.


Many characters people this story, some referred to by their titles or residences, creating possible difficulties for the reader in remembering who’s who. (A list of Main Characters before the story begins is helpful.) The Scottish vocabulary words can be challenging at times to understand from the context. A glossary is located at the end of the ebook, if readers are willing to interrupt their reading to find it.

Content review:

This novel doesn’t shy away from the rough side of life in this era, including violence (toward women, enemies, other clans)

I recommend Turn of the Tide to readers who aren’t bothered by violence and enjoy a compelling plot set in an unfamiliar time and place, filled with both action and introspection.


The Apostates, by V.E.H. Masters, 3rd volume in the Seton trilogy (1st volume, The Castilians, was reviewed here in February, 2022)

The Apostates, by V.E.H. Masters, cover image

It’s 1550 and Bethia has fled Antwerp, with her infant son, before the jaws of the inquisition clamp down, for the family are accused of secret judaising. She believes they’ve evaded capture but her husband, Mainard, unbeknownst to her, is caught, imprisoned and alone. Reaching Geneva, Bethia hopes for respite from a dangerous journey, but it’s a Protestant city state which tolerates no dissent – and she’s a Catholic… 

My Upcoming Novel:

Some of my readers have asked about its progress. I’ll pass along details as soon as I have them—soon, I hope!

Arrivederci/ until next time,

