Book printer, 1568

Book printer, 1568, Jost Amman – “Eygentliche Beschreibung aller Stände auff Erden, hoher und nidriger, geistlicher und weltlicher, aller Künsten, Handwercken und Händeln …”, Public Domain,

Editor’s note: blog posts will alternate between 1) the lead-up to the Reformation and 2) the Reformation’s 500th anniversary. Today we begin with resources related to the Reformation’s 500th anniversary.

October 31 1517: Martin Luther and the Day that Changed the World, by Martin E. Marty, Paraclete Press, 2016 (focus on Luther’s significance and the ecumenical movement) (website dedicated to Reformation’s 500th anniversary, many topics and events)

Brand Luther, by Andrew Pettegree. Penguin Random House, 2016. (about Luther’s use of the printing press)

Here I Walk: A Thousand Miles on Foot to Rome With Martin Luther, by Andrew L. Wilson. Brazos Press, 2016 (the recent travel narrative of a couple who tried to follow Luther’s route)

Luther and the Reformation, video production by Rick Steves

“This week’s best radio: Martin Luther and the Reformation,” (UK radio programs about the Reformation; can be downloaded)

Art exhibit on Luther’s 95 Theses:

Luther and Katharina: A Novel of Love and Rebellion, by Jody Hedlund. Waterbrook Multnomah, 2015 (fictionalized romance of Martin Luther and Katharina von Bora)

“Luther is famous, but we know little about him,” (German article about Luther)

“Reading the Reformation in 2017,” by Bruce Gordon, Christianity Today, Jan/Feb 2017, pp. 47-51 (review article about recent Reformation-related books)

What are your favorite not-too-heavy Reformation 500 resources?