A Book Club for Dark Days

A Book Club for Dark Days

Especially in this season, I’m thankful for you, reader, and I hope you’ll have a few moments to reflect on who and what you’re thankful for.

This month, I’m pleased to offer both a book review and an interview with the author! I hope you enjoy them!

Air Raid Book Club, by Annie Lyons, cover image

My Review:

In this moment, The Air Raid Book Club might be just the right read for you, as it was for me. Although the story is set in England during the dark days of the Blitz in World War II, many of this novel’s characters reveal a refreshing humanity and care for each other that often seems missing in the world today.

Many twists and turns, with both sparkling and grievous moments, immerse readers in the story of Gertie, an ordinary woman who owns a bookstore in Beechwood, a non-descript section of southeast London. She ponders, what can she can do to counter fear and despair? These are her eventual responses:
She starts a book club, bringing people together to discuss books, forge ideas, and inspire history
She takes in Hedy, a Jewish teen refugee from Germany

In spite of Gertie’s good intentions, Hedy doesn’t bond well with her host. One of this novel’s strong points is the clear portrayal of how their relationship, and those of other characters, evolve through the story.

Major Characters:

Gertieprotagonist, a humble heroine who brings people together
Harry—Gertie’s sweet husband
Charles—friend of Gertie’s husband, a supportive friend to Gertie after her husband’s death
HedyGerman teen whom Gertie takes in from the Kindertransport, saving her from the Nazis
Margery Fortescuewealthy widow with a strong personality


Clear, heart-warming portrayal of how characters’ relationships evolve through the story
Satisfying ending
Variety of characters, each with a distinct personality and viewpoint
Author’s skill in weaving literature and bookshops into the story

Although this novel includes plenty of action to propel the story forward, it also includes passages containing characters’ reflections, so it probably won’t be a good fit for readers who prefer action adventure thriller stories

Content review:
Includes violence and death connected with World War II and the Blitz

My recommendation:
If you enjoy a historically accurate story that’s warm-hearted and life-affirming, while not shying from the tragic details of the Blitz in WWII, I would recommend The Air Raid Book Club.

Author Interview with Annie Lyons:

Annie Lyons, author photo

What triggered your decision to create this story?

There were many sources of inspiration for this book, one of them being Eudora Honeysett, the main character from my previous novel. I had so enjoyed writing the flashback scenes in that book, transporting the reader back to the Second World War and other moments in history, that I decided I wanted to write my first full historical fiction novel. It was 2021, in the middle of the pandemic and I had noticed how communities were supporting one another during these difficult times. It made me think about similarities with how communities rallied during the Second World War and the seed of an idea was planted. Added to this, I’ve always wanted to write a novel set in a bookshop about the power of books and reading and how important they can be in dark times. Gertie began to emerge as I found myself struggling to read or engage with stories for a while and I imagined a character who was ready to give up on her bookshop and move away. Hedy’s character came about after I read and listened to accounts of Jewish children who fled Nazi Germany before the start of the Second World War. It was their spirit of optimism and hope which inspired me to write this story as Hedy and Gertie’s bond grows through a love of books and reading.

It’s obvious that you do careful research in the development of your scenes and characters. What sources helped you fill in the details and context for this novel?

Research was tricky as I was writing this book during lockdown so the internet became my best friend! The Imperial War Museum online was a huge source of information. It’s a fantastic resource. Online, I listened to accounts of Kindertransport children, now adults, who came to live in the UK. Their stories and spirit were a big source of inspiration. I also love the BBC’s archived resource, The People’s War. It’s a treasure trove of personal stories which are often heartbreaking, often funny but all completely wonderful. I read a great deal too. Millions Like Us by Virginia Nicholson was a book which started as a springboard for the whole idea as it deals with the role of women during the war. I also had to understand bookselling from the start of the twentieth century and found a wonderful book called ‘The Truth About Bookselling’ by Thomas Joy.

What was the biggest surprise in researching this story?

How the role of women changed forever as a result of the Second World War. They literally went from sitting in the passenger seat to driving the truck!

What’s the ratio of fact to fiction in this story?

The bones of the story are all factual. I followed the course of the Second World War and its events as closely as I could. The fictionalized parts are the town of Beechwood itself and Bingham Books. As I was writing this novel during lockdown and couldn’t visit bookshops, it was a treat to be able to create one from my imagination!

What were the most challenging aspects of writing this novel?

Deciding which historical details to include and which to leave out! I love history and am particularly fascinated by the Second World War so I’d often get lost down research rabbit holes and probably have enough material for at least another five books!

What did you enjoy about writing this novel?

I loved so much of it. Losing myself in the past was particularly wonderful. I’d also always wanted to write a book set in a bookshop so this was a dream come true and choosing the books for Gertie and Hedy’s book club (and the quotations which start each chapter) really appealed to my booklover’s heart.

Beyond entertainment, what would you want a reader to walk away with after reading The Air Raid Book Club?

To remember this part of history and the profound effect it had on the world and to be proud of the role that women played during that time.

Thank you, Annie, for your informative interview!
Celebrate with me!

Celebrate with me!

I invite you, Reader, to celebrate with me!

  • I’m excited to offer my review of the favorite novel I’ve read in 2024! (see below)
  • My second grandson has arrived in the world, and my husband and I have the opportunity to participate in his family’s life almost daily!
  • The revisions of my new novel are nearly finished!

I hope you’re finding things to celebrate in this season, too!

The Mercy Seller, by Brenda Rickman Vantrease, cover image

My Review of The Mercy Seller:


You may be familiar with Martin Luther’s reform efforts and eventual break from the Roman Church in the 1500s…

But these earlier reformers had less success and paid a terrible price:

  • John Wycliffe, a cleric who translated the Bible into English in the late 1300s (His followers became known as Lollards)
  • Jan Hus, a preacher in Prague in the early 1400s who championed Wycliffe’s ideas in Bohemia.


The Mercy Seller, Brenda Rickman Vantrease’s 2007 novel, immerses readers in the cultures in which Wycliffe and Hus lived (England and Bohemia, respectively). After reading it, I understood in a visceral way why the beliefs and reforms that Wycliffe and Hus proposed were doomed to fail in their times and locations.

Because Anna was raised with the teachings of Jan Hus in Prague, she must flee and undertake a dangerous journey, both physical and metaphorical, to find safety and a new life.

Without a guide, this young woman struggles to know whom to trust. The people she encounters challenge her view of the world, as her perspective challenges theirs.

This compelling story of courage, betrayal, persecution, and character growth also gives readers a window into an era far removed from ours.


Some were easy to root for, others easy to hate, some evoked both emotions

  • Gabriel/VanCleve—title character, an English priest assigned to sell pardons/indulgences; his background and many-faceted career become central to the story
  • Annaprotagonist who grew up in Prague, raised with Lollard beliefs by her grandfather, Finn; she learns his trade but must flee Prague after religious persecution begins
  • Finncopyist of writings of Wycliffe and gospels of the New Testament, fled from England to Prague to escape persecution of Lollards
  • Abbess Kathryn—leader of the abbey at Saint Martin’s that specializes in copying texts, both sacred and secular
  • Brother FrancisGabriel’s spiritual father and mentor
  • Little Bek—abandoned handicapped boy; Anna mothers him
  • Sir John Oldcastle, Lord Cobham—member of House of Lords; he and his wife use their wealth in generous ways, among which are supporting the Lollard community and the copying of religious texts into English
  • Prince Hal (Henry V of England)—friend of Cobham’s during their military years; torn between his need for Archbishop of Canterbury’s blessing of his coronation and his friendship with Sir John Oldcastle
  • Archbishop Arundel—aged, declining leader of Roman Church in England; determined to root out heresies and heretics from England


  • Characters—three-dimensional, their arcs reveal clear change; the author shows us their flaws as well as (for some) their heroic qualities
  • Heroic theme—self-sacrifice for one’s beliefs
  • Plot—fascinating threads connect the characters, including multiple generations; plot twists that keep readers on edge
  • Settings—portrayals of the several settings provide telling details to immerse readers


Alternating points of view between characters from scene to scene can confuse readers until they get their bearings.

Content review:

Readers should anticipate a few scenes of physical intimacy, but not of a graphic nature, as well as descriptions of executions in this time period.

My recommendation:

If you enjoy an exciting story of strong-willed individuals whose religious convictions lead them to risk and sacrifice their lives, and whose interactions shape their characters, I highly recommend The Mercy Seller.

Reader, can you recommend novels set in the world of John Wycliffe or Jan Hus?

Season’s Greetings–A Story of Hope after Tragedy

Season’s Greetings–A Story of Hope after Tragedy

I hope you’ll find good cheer in this season! As my contribution, I’m reviewing a recent novel, The Last Bookshop in London, an inspiring story of the power of books, courage, friendship, and hope as London endures the Blitz during World War II.

The Last Bookshop in London, by Madeline Martin, cover image

London, 1939. Grace, a young woman from a small town in Norfolk, arrives in the big city, desperate for a job. She lands a temporary position at a run-down bookstore, but she’s not a reader and has little interest in books. Then the Blitz, Germany’s effort to bomb England into submission, begins. Britons’ responses often put them in conflict with each other, even as people needed to unite to survive this dire threat to their nation’s existence.

How much of this story is based on facts vs. fiction?

Author Madeline Martin answers this question in a blog post:

“Aside from the characters and Primrose Hill Books itself, everything is as true to history as was possible for me to make it. Even the location of the bombings and when they occurred (with one exception) are exactly how they were recorded in history.” 

How did the author come to understand her characters’ world?

She used the following sources:

  • Books
  • Personal eyewitness accounts
  • Photos taken before, during, and after the war
  • Videos and sound bites

Characters: (a few of the many)

  • Grace, the protagonist – young and naïve at the start, the story’s events force her to make choices that help her mature
  • Mr. Evans – owner of Primrose Hill Books, his depression adds to Grace’s doubts about working at the bookstore
  • Mrs. WeatherfordGrace’s host in London, a support to Grace. In the face of tragedy, she must find new strength and purpose.
  • George AndersonGrace’s love interest, he’s a lover of books who joins up to fight the Germans.
  • Mr. Stokes – an Air Raid Precautions warden partnered with Grace to monitor blackout compliance during the Blitz. His attitude and beliefs challenge Grace.
  • Jimmyorphan who hesitates to trust anyone after his parents are killed in the Blitz.

Strengths: The well-crafted plot, telling details, and sympathetic characters combine to create a page-turner that’s both entertaining and educational.

Weakness: Happy endings for the surviving characters leave readers on a positive note, but they seemed a bit unrealistic after the tragedies of World War II and the Blitz.

Content review: Descriptions of death and injuries, but no profanity or physical intimacy.

I recommend The Last Bookshop in London. This novel’s time setting could have made it depressing. Instead, Madeline Martin skillfully weaves a plot that doesn’t avoid the terror and death of this harrowing time, but ends in personal transformation and national unity.

Reader, what novels inspire you?

Take a Break with the Austens!

Take a Break with the Austens!

When we need a break from the daily news, Jane Austen and her times provide a welcome respite. Her novels are well known by many, but Jane tried to keep her own life private. Miss Austen, a recent novel by Gill Hornby, provides insights into Jane’s life through that of her younger sister, Cassandra, and their family.

Miss Austen, by Gill Hornby, cover image

Cassandra (henceforth referred to as Cassy) is the main focus of this novel. Because she and Jane stayed close throughout their lives, their stories intertwine throughout this novel.
Readers familiar with the Austen family will dive effortlessly into this novel, while those of us less conversant must allow time to learn or refresh our memories about the family members and their personalities.
Long before I finished reading Miss Austenthe story attracted and held my interest.  Because I didn’t know much about the Austen family, I found the plot twists suspenseful.  The author reveals much about Jane’s and Cassy’s lives and emotions through Jane’s letters (imagined by the author). The constraints the female characters faced saddened me, but I enjoyed watching these women develop, interact, and change over time.
Major Characters:

  • Cassy – Jane’s younger sister; devoted (excessively?) to her family throughout her life; the author fills in details about Cassy’s life and feelings through Jane’s letters
  • Jane – the only sister and closest friend of Cassy; she was a novelist whose writing never received its proper recognition or reward during her short lifetime; the author skillfully portrays the sisters’ differences and how they complemented each other
  • Mrs. Cassandra Austen – mother of Jane and Cassy, an opinionated and domineering woman, perhaps an example of an antiquated perspective on life
  • Isabella – sister of Tom Fowle, Cassy’s fiancé; she was initially cool to Cassy; the development of their relationship was a highlight of the story
  • Mary Lloyd – the second wife of James Austen, a brother of Jane and Cassy; her dogmatic, non-empathetic personality made her Cassy’s nemesis

In addition to an engaging plotMiss Austen offers an in-depth look into the Austen family, the distinctive personality traits of each member, and their family dynamics.

I’d appreciate more clarity about how many of the characters were historical and how accurately they were portrayed. Mrs. Cassandra Austen and Mary seemed almost caricatures, with few redeeming features shining through.

Content review: clean, with no violence; perhaps most interesting to readers of young adult age or older.

My take:
I recommend Miss Austen to readers interested in learning more about Jane Austen through the eyes of her sister and interactions with her family members. If you also enjoy a story that slowly develops characters and their relationships, this is the novel for you.

Readerwhat’s the most surprising thing you know about the Austen family?

An Unlikely Hero? The Case of Biochemist Rosalind Franklin

An Unlikely Hero? The Case of Biochemist Rosalind Franklin

Sometimes the unlikeliest people rise to the moment and surprise the world with their heroism, whether it’s

  • a Hebrew shepherd boy named David whose only weapons are a sling and stones
  • a mild-mannered newspaper reporter named Clark Kent
  • or a comedian-turned-president of a threatened nation

This month, we focus on one such unlikely scientific hero: Rosalind Franklin, an early-20th century British biochemist.

Her passion for science led her down a challenging and improbable path for a woman in that time.

Her research in France and England led to groundbreaking discoveries in science and medicine:

  • DNA (brought revolutionary advances in understanding disease pathways and genetic disorders, as well as the formulation of new drugs)
  • RNA (brought great advances in understanding viruses blighting agricultural crops, as well as the virus that causes polio)

What inspired me, a non-scientist, to read Her Hidden Genius, Marie Benedict’s fictionalized account of Rosalind Franklin’s life and scientific career?

  • Rosalind Franklin was an underdog—a woman forging a scientific career in an era when society and her family pressured her to choose a more traditional, family-oriented life
  • Her perseverance, work ethic, and scientific rigor, in spite of the skepticism she faced as a woman scientist in her era
  • Author Marie Benedict maintains an even-handed perspective on Rosalind and the controversy relating to other scientists’ use of her findings without giving her credit. Other writers have portrayed Rosalind either in a negative light or as a saint.
  • Her conflicts with others revealed her core principles
  • Well-painted settings, in Paris and London
  • A well-written story that humanized Rosalind and held my interest
  • Strong characters:
    • Heroes of the story were Rosalind and the men and women who supported her in her life and the race to map the structure of DNA.
    • The scientists and family members who treated her badly came across as villains. Their attitudes and behavior weren’t uncommon in that era, but still shocked me.

Fyi for this novel:

  • You’ll encounter basic scientific explanations of Rosalind Franklin’s projects, since science played such a big role in her life
  • Content Rating—mild + for brief kissing

My recommendation:

If you enjoy a story that immerses you in an earlier time period, takes you inside the main character’s psyche so you experience the highs and lows of her emotions and life, and if you have at least a passing interest in how science progressed, Her Hidden Genius is a book for you.

Reader, please share your heroes of science!

Dutch Heroes or Villains?

Dutch Heroes or Villains?

  • What would you do if you were a David in a small nation, facing down a Goliath, a giant enemy who appeared to be coming to destroy your town and kill everyone you loved?
  • Would you try to reason with him, run, hide, or fight?

The Dutch people confronted this dilemma in the last half of the 1500s:

  • Many of the Dutch had left the Roman Church. Now they followed the teachings of Jean Calvin. They were desperate to keep their freedoms—religious and political.
  • Emperor Charles V, the Dutch ruler, didn’t interfere with their religious diversity
  • When Philip II, Charles’s son and a fanatical member of the Roman Church, took over in 1555, he showed the Dutch no tolerance and sent in Spanish troops to consolidate his power.

How did the Dutch respond?

Depending on their ages, occupations, and religions:

  • Some tried to negotiate with the Spanish
  • Some fled as Spanish armies approached
  • Some fought, on land or sea

Dutch Sea beggars were viewed by some as patriots, by others as pirates, and yet by others as a combination of both (similar to Francis Drake in England).

This month I discuss Cecelia’s novel, Sea Beggars. It not only entertains but can help us reflect on how such choices impact the lives of individuals and nations.

Readers, what would you have done? Would you judge the characters as heroes or villains?

Sea Beggars, by Cecelia Holland, cover image

Were the Sea Beggars brave freedom fighters or evil pirates? The answer to this question will determine if you view this novel’s characters as heroes or villains.

This novel immediately sets readers in the midst of big trouble, as the vastly under-armed Dutch struggle for independence from the Western world’s dominant military power, Spain, and its ally, the Roman Church.

What’s the magic of this story? Author Cecelia Holland skillfully portrays how ordinary people cope with war’s brutal consequences—in this case, how Spain’s domination dramatically changes the lives of the (fictional) van Cleef family members, each in a unique way. The story follows and builds upon each character’s journey through the tumultuous era.

In particular, the transformation of the youthful characters especially kept me hooked—the daughter, Hanneke, a bright girl who chafes at the restrictions she faces due to her gender, and the son, Jan, who rebels against his father’s approach to life, viewing it as too conservative. I found this novel hard to put down as I became invested in the characters’ fates.

I recommend Sea Beggars to readers who enjoy a well-crafted historical novel with lots of action, accurate to history (except when noted), with period details, and don’t mind some battle scenes, violence, and a bit of sex (all true to the era).